
oooohhh, happy days....


Fireworks -Geraint


Annika Sîan

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Annika Sîan is nou slegs 20 weke oud en julle kan die sonar foto's hier sien. Wees saam met ons bly dat alles goed gaan en sy mooi groei. Ons verwag haar volgende jaar einde Maart.
Ons sal julle op datum hou met alle nuwe verwikkelinge.
Prys Sy Naam vir
ons nuwe dogtertjie....

Annika Sîan is only 20 weeks old as the scan would show. But what great news to share with you all to celebrate our scan of the second one (girl). We expect her to arrive next year end of March!! We will keep you up to date with all new developments. Praise His Name for our new little girl.

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